Exercise your acting skills, either as one character all weekend long, or instead a wide range of characters! Also develop your real life social interaction skills and confidence!
Escape reality and become immersed in our fantasy world! Feel like you are the star of a
fantasy movie or novel and live out the experience of the adventure!
Chase or be chased by monsters! Search the enchanted woods or engage in epic war with monstrous hordes! Engage in active sport like activity and enjoy the beautiful outdoors!
Live Action Role-Playing is theatrical improv where the audience and the performers are one in the same. Larp is a more active version of tabletop role-playing.
Our game rules are designed to be both friendly to newer players and also solve the age old issue of level gap! Use your skills every brief rest so that you feel useful in every scenario!
Become part of our large and friendly community when you join Knight Realms! Meet, see and act with hundreds of new friends, whom all share a love of fantasy and gaming!
What is Knight Realms?
Knight Realms Explained
Knight Realms is a long-running campaign Live Action Roleplaying game based in a high fantasy world that mixes the use of magic with the mundane to create a unique setting. Utilizing our 200 acre site to its fullest, the game is a fully immersive 24 hour experience that drops the player characters into its ever-evolving story and pits them against monsters who would seek their downfall. With events every month, it is up to each player whether to be part of the story, or change the course of events!
The Knight Realms LARP rules allow for players to create the character they want to be. The game’s rules allow for a player to purchase multiple classes over the course of their lifetime, and so a player has near limitless options for creating their own unique identity.
As a lightest touch boffer LARP, Knight Realms provides its players with fast-paced, action packed combat scenarios that intertwine the dynamics of player teamwork and other obstacles that will challenge the players and leave them with memorable tales to tell around the table over a drink!
The Knight Realms community is welcoming and friendly, inclusive to players from all walks of life, and so we entreat you to join us and become part of the fantasy!
December 2024 Epilogue
Front Page of the Ekerton Press!
All Unattended Weapons will Gain Sentience and Find a New Home.
By Lionel Ekerton
During the conflict with the Hand of Arachus at the mines, one leader of the gang was carrying an excessive amount of Death Fog, a deadly poison purchased by former Lord Leon Zoss. While some miners were puzzling out how to handle the situation before the timer ran out, an unknown man, whose description was only noted as “he was wearing a shirt and pants”, stepped out of the woods, picked up the body, and sunk into the ground with it. Witness accounts corroborate to be exactly how this happened. So we here at the Ekerton Press thank you, strange generic woodland man, for the last-minute save against the Arachus Death Fog.
By Lionel Ekerton
Around 3:30pm on December 14th, Lord Leon Zoss, Lord of Dulmore and esteemed aristocrat was murdered, brutally, in cold blood by Jovian Gristman. Jovian has since fled Dulmore and local authorities are puzzled as to his whereabouts. Investigations are ongoing.
Lord Zoss is survived by his two children, Teresa and Jefferson, and his widow, Amelia Gristman. The widow gave a statement to the Press that, “[she] is devastated by the loss of her beloved husband” whom she had recently finalized their marriage just 15 minutes prior to the murder.
By Erwin McGoover
Lunor, Ashwynn, and Sparki Elemara were murdered by the Hand of Arachus on December 14th upon their attempt to flee the impending dangers of the criminal activity. Their father, head of the Elemara estate, already in his sickly state, passed away from grief at the loss of his children. He was found dead in his bed, with a pillow over his face soaked with tears early in the morning on December 16th.
The estate, with no heir or leader, was contracted to be divided between a local, Fee Atkins, who is assumed to be a family friend of the Elemaras, and the new Mayor’s holdings for use by the town of Dulmore.
By Laura Layne
Shortly after the events of the riots, deaths, and other happenings, Dulmore elected former foreman Declan McGreevey as the new Mayor! Alongside former Captain Egon Gristman’s retirement, Guardsman Joshua was promoted to be the new Captain. And lastly, to Mayor-elect McGreevey’s previous role, Arden Frye, head of the Local #232 Miner’s Union has been instated as the new Foreman! At this time, a new Magistrate has not been found for the also mysteriously slain Solomon Drey, but the position remains open. We look forward to all the new changes in Dulmore and hope for a prosperous future!
By Terrence Baum
With much of the bandit activity reduced, information about the happenings of the mine have finally come to light. The quakes in the mine causing much of the destruction seems to have come from the activity of an elemental creature. This creature was residing near the newly discovered vein of mithril and even contained some of this incredibly precious metal within it. Miners are working round the clock to set the mine up and ready for reopening so that the mithril ore can be extracted. This is outstanding news for Dulmore and will surely put the town on the map in awe for all of Londwyn.
they have too many teeth.
By Hazel, editing by Marianne Forsyth
To all of my kids and grandkids, my lovely young ones I done seen grow up here. I am proud of you. You have been so brave. Courage is when you scared by go anyway. You all have worked so hard for Dulmore. Don’t forget. We Are Dulmore.
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Knight Realms Details
Knight Realms - Travance
(Tri-State Area, NJ, NY, PA)
Knight Realms Travance is our home game which has been running since 1997. We own our own 200 acre site, which is also the home of the Sparta NJ Renaissance Festival! Click on the below links for more information about our game!
Camp Sacajawea - 251 White Lake Road, Sparta NJ 07871