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Team Information 



Event Running Application

Event Running at Knight Realms is not controlled by a particular team, but is an offer to the entire Community. Do you have an idea for an event that you would like to see run at game? Any player following the criteria listed in the application may submit a plot that the Content Runner teams will assist them in hosting!


Please note, submission does not guarantee we will be using your story this year, and if you are not running an event this year we welcome you to submit your idea again next year!

For those who are chosen, James and the Officers will be in touch!

Application for Running an Event


Volunteer Staff Roster


Atmosphere Team

Team Lead: Jenn C. (


While it is a community goal to promote the concept of 'game atmosphere', the Atmosphere Team is responsible to help the game feel immersive by actively working on décor, workshops, and guides for players to develop their own style tuned for the world of Arawyn. To encourage players keep general play and living spaces atmospheric while remaining in character,  the Atmosphere team rewards good roleplay from players with Role Play Points which may be turned in for a variety of rewards. However, they are also permitted to reprimand a player when immersion and atmosphere are clearly broken, providing tips and information on how to improve.

Application for the Atmosphere Team



Card Team

Team Lead: Mara Y. ( )


The Card Team works to keep everyone's character cards up to date, handling any card discrepancies that may be found by a player in the system.

They process build, service point, and skill purchases between events and  assist with creating characters cards between games and on site for all players.

Application for the Card Team



Community Managers 

Team Lead: Mark M. ( )


The Community Managers strive to help players remain engaged during Knight Realms functions and with the community at large away from live events. 

If a Community Manager represents an In Character group, they may be the go-to contact point for the members they represent, bringing comments and questions forward to Marshals and Staff to get them resolved.  

Regularly, team members will work with each other to host events between groups to help break down 'clique-culture'.


Some members are dedicated to help moderate the Discord, Facebook pages, and (in the future) forum communications.

Application for Community Managers


Content Runners

Team Leads: Alex B., Ashley C., Jeremy S. ( )


Content Runners is a sizeable team of marshals who work to run the content at game that is not necessarily the overarching plot of the weekend (though, at times, their content may expand to such).  The Bounty Board system is hosted primarily by this team.


Those focused on 'Story' have the primary task of making sure content for specific groups and backstory plotlines are run so those particular groups feel engaged with the game world.


Those focused on 'Plot' help run extended content that anyone could easily engage in, created for a more generalized audience.


These two teams work together, coordinating to improve the game story for all players.

Application for Content Runners



Logistics Team

Team Lead: Nick C. ( ) 


Application for the Logistics Team



Lore Team

Team Lead: Lucian R. ( )


Application for the Lore Team



Player Representatives

Team Leads: Alice B., Rob T. ( )


Application for the Player Reps Team (In Progress)



Rules Team

Team Lead: Alex S. ( )

Not to be confused with the Rules Design Team, the purpose of Rules Marshals is to help clarify rules to players to keep combat flowing and the game fair. They are the referees and reference guides to navigate the system in live play and encourage a spirit of sportsmanship and fair play.  Knowledge of Rules as Intended and Rules as Written is essential for the position to help keep a good flow of Combat and Gameplay and handle situations of rules misuse; including card checks, written strikes, and written violations.


Application for Rules Marshals



Safety Team

Team Lead: Taylor Meise ( )






© 1997 - Present Day by James C, Kimball 

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