Hello Again Travance,
Tick tock, only two more months. Algowrath smiles upon us in this time of sacrifice. As such, this month’s offering was a small horde of gems, given to me by sailors who used to play my games. From before; a different time, a different me.
I see that Captain Righetti has gotten her wish in that the Hunter’s execution is being ordered. I have no doubt he will get away; just like he always does. His forces are moving; Greymantle and Ironmantle are moving. He needs to suffer…. Somehow this needs to be over. I need this to be over…
… And soon it will be. You’ve all been such good sports in my games. I regret not having the chance to play with you more, and so many of you wanted to chat. Perhaps, once it is all done we can have a tea party. Once I’ve claimed Triton’s power and used it to take away everything the Hunter cares about; once he’s broken and has nothing. Then we’ll have tea and macarons.
The Employer
...To The Employer...
...My stance still remains the same, and I still would like to speak with you to help sort things out before then, so my offer still stands regardless.
And if you would have me, regardless of the end result, yeah... I wouldn't mind the tea. I may know a few longtime friends who may enjoy it too... if they can understand it of course, but... well that is another story for another day.