(Not Jackdaw) Well hello again Travance,
I was passing through your town, and saw your preparations for this Harvest Festival. What an interesting thing to celebrate; I’ve never seen a Harvest Festival before, I might even stop by. This time I’ve left an offering for our current ascendant, Archidemus. Don’t worry I stayed away from your town and people to gather my offerings; Archidemus is a creature of poison, and seeing as there is a “City of Poison '' called Faust it seemed a much better fit. A merchant family there so kindly provided a bottle of their finest, right from their dinner table. They might have been prepared for poison; they were less prepared to be stabbed during pleasant conversation.
I genuinely would like to thank you for the kind offer for cider. I am certain as well that the attempt of several of your townsfolk to scry uponst my home was also made with the same kindness of heart. Either way, it is a good thing that you cannot imagine what made me this way; it is my sincere hope that you never experience something like it. If it were in the cards for me to accept your offer, I would. But it's far too late to turn back; once something has been damaged to the point of breaking, It can be fixed, but it can never truly become as new and pristine as it once was.
And well Travance, it seems like charity is not your strong suit, at least not as much as lifting heavy burdens. I only saw a handful of kind offerings. Don’t worry, I’m still enjoying our game. Since you did not succeed, I can’t give you your full reward, but an effort was made and I would like to reward that. As a consolation gift and sign of my continued willingness to play, I am offering you one new word.

Now to continue with our games, this month belongs to Archidemus. Archidemus is a being of competition and aggression, so, I’d like to see 32 instances of you winning competitions; whatever that means to you. As before, you can write them or draw little stick figures and leave them on any of Travance’s public boards; I’ll find them. (conversely, If you don’t put them in a public place I probably won’t find them.) In return, not only will you keep my interest, but I’ll also offer forth some more of the translations you want so much. In fact, as an extra incentive, if you win this round you may ask any one question. It can be a word, or a secret. Just leave your request on the board with your acts of competition.
Until next time Travance,
-The Employer
Done, In contest I have bested you already. You claim that you are bound to act, whether by some dark pact or some sad misadventure, but I have a capacity to act against the whims of misery and misfortune where you have struggled and stumbled.
Despite all this I forgive and welcome you to change, not because the single mirror once cracked can be mended by such overtures, but because it can help other mirrors from being tarnished despite our own broken vanities.
My charity has not ceased as you move from whatever challenge compels you to the next. To best this you'd act as yourself with your best mind at the wheel but you imply you aren't able due to some past misadventure that constricts your conscience. This Beast demands virtues from you like a tittering God, and in the spirit of contest, I gotta' say our offerings strike me as louder then yours- try as you might to take credit in post. I know how Valos, Galladel, Enax, Gaia, Andorra, or any other true divinity you could name would take that. This maywell be the last dollop of ink I waste, so I ask one last time in the spirit of Charity, You still sure on this? Dictated and not read, Serr Thomas Bell