Hello Travance,
It's that time of the month again, when Annora comes to you asking for help and bringing updates about the one known as the Employer.
So, I've been on a boat for a while. But let me give you what updates I can.
Last feast, many of us performed a bait-and-switch ritual, as I described in my previous missive. While Marci and I acted as bait to set off the trap (and spoke directly to the Employer, who was frustrated and expressed a deep desire to not want to hurt us), many townsmembers used their abilities to attempt to glean some information. Through this ritual, we were able to glean the exact location of the Employer's lair, including a keyword for her Sea Gate. If and when we have our own Sea Gate, we can travel there to grab the Pearl. Without that artifact she (hopefully) cannot complete her rituals.
Also last feast, we had an opportunity to speak with Kinkle Blackblade, the halfling prisoner and former employee of the Employer. Kinkle holds no loyalty towards the Employer, and spoke with us freely. She confirmed several pieces of information we already knew, and gave us some new information. She confirmed the Employer is a Siren, and Alverez is her (the Employer's) endgame. Kinkle told us the Employer's goal was to get "the power of all the seas" and "destroy Alverez in the same way he destroyed her"--she "doesn't want Alverez dead, but rather wants him to suffer."
Kinkle also gave us the location of one of the Employer's safehouses, which when raided contained various...keepsakes? relics? of her time as a prisoner on the Queen of Tides. (Including magical chains and a piece of driftwood with the mantra "I am not a monster" written over and over).
A few of us sailed to Coast Haven to try to find out more about the Queen of Tides incident and Alverez. I'm still parsing through that information, but I should have it together by this weekend's feast.
Now, for shit we need to get done this event.
As I have stated before in previous letters (and above), we need to grow our own Sea Gate to break into the Employer's lair and swipe that Pearl. (And maybe also send diplomatic overtures to the Kingdom Below, but that's Talaniel/Kes's purview). In order to grow our own Gate, we need to harvest a sample of living coral, AND keep it alive by connecting it to the dual power sources of primal and dark.
The spirit of Triton has sent some of us a message. This feast, Friday night, the Kingdom Below is going to open a Sea Gate in our lake. This is our chance. And we need to be ready to take it.
The Sea Gates only stay open a short period of time--a matter of minutes. Before the envoy from the Kingdom Below arrives, we need to have a plan in place. We need to know how we're going to grab a coral sample, and have the lake infused with the necessary energy (the lake may not like this, and may fight back; we'll deal with that when it happens).
As soon as I arrive in the Proper on Friday I will be working on this--seek me out if you want to help; I'll be trying to coordinate efforts.
As always, thank you for your time and aid.