The Mythril Enclave is recruiting new members, and we want that to be YOU! We will be hosting a
meeting after Feast on Saturday evening at approximately 7 and a quarter bells, meeting at the field entrance to the inn. We will move to Enclave territory just past Kaledonia once everyone interested has gathered. Light refreshments will be available.
The Mythril Enclave is a group dedicated to helping new Travancians achieve goals, no matter their alignment, religion, or ethicality. The household seeks to connect new and old Travancians alike and support them unlike other established parties by the means of "friendship", materials, and public events. We often work as a guild- our members are indeed free to move on to other endeavors, but we encourage you to remember from whence you came! There will be a unit fighting this moon, and perhaps even training as you learn to work alongside your fellow Enclave members. Our members are more than willing to teach you a skill or two, provided you should want to learn. We are always looking to expand and accept more adventurers, inquire at your earliest convenience!
For more information, contact Master of the Enclave Maliouse Everlock, Right Hand Jarden Burdach, Asier Belberk, or Maen Milesus.