Travance, During this past gathering we have accomplished several tasks I thought almost impossible. Travance we have avoided a war that would have thrusted many innocents into the crossfire. We have freed dragon spritis from a morgazzi weapon and ultimately stopped a mad man that would see to Count Sebastians demise. I truly am thankful to all of you! If any are wondering the status of the devices. Please be assured they are being moved to a remote location to be researched and studied for a brief moment of time to understand it better under my supervised security. If this weapon should even be near dangerous hands / minds it will be destroyed. Further precautions are that I will keep the key in my possession to prevent unauthorized activation. The morgazzi orbs will be locked away in the same fashion of previous morgazzi artifacts. In your service, Naranbaatar Aikichi Squire to Count Sebastion Evarest Legionairre Commander of the Kormyrian Army
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Aiki you did a wonderful job organizing everyone alongside Ser Kestrel. Seeing the way everyone worked together this gathering has filled me with so much pride and warmth. Each and every person who took part in this campaign should feel proud of themselves for what we have accomplished together: Minimizing casualties, preventing yet more war, and working to change the global perception that Travance consists of nobody but thoughtless brutes who tear down anybody and everybody. We could not have hoped for a better outcome given the challenges we were up against.
I have nothing but faith that the machine is in good hands with Aiki, Rain, and Morgan. Having listened to Morgan's plans to research the machine to save lives, I have nothing but hope for what they have in store for us. I'm happy to hear that we have such brilliant minds collaborating on this and can't wait to hear what you 3 accomplish together.
-Sir Odette D. Lucatiel
There is never an easy answer nor a clear path when facing corruption in any form. In this instance, we faced a mortal man corrupted by a Morgazzi Blade and the Song of Agony, who was further blinded by his own personal views. We faced even further corruption upon the successful release of the dragons from their painful imprisonment, thus finding that sadly one of our own was too far gone to save. It was an incredibly difficult battle, but one that needed to be fought.
In these moments it can be so heavy to weigh the choices made but each one was chosen with an eye toward protecting the lives of innocents, saving those we could, and banding together as brothers and sisters despite chroma.
Thank you for working so tirelessly and allowing me to weigh in on the planning with you, Ser Kestrel, Lady Ilana, Elric, Therion, and so many others whose research was desperately needed. You championed collaboration and the ideals that we need to support one another in order to ensure no further harm is done by Morgazzi weapons. The Song of Agony is no more and the Blade itself is gone forever. I weep for the spirits of the dragons who were tortured for so long within the Song of Agony and I know we will do everything we can to let them rest and be at peace or find a solution so their pain can end.
As always I am in service to the Barony of Travance and I stand beside you as we seek to make things right.
In Duty, Truth, and Trust,
Dame Ravyn Aeronwen of Albriar
Knight Commander of the Order of the Sagewardens
Professor of Bardics of Darkwood Academy
Commander Aikichi,
Travance fought with honor protecting the innocent from the horrors of yet another war and at the same time, using prudent tactics and strategies, did not flinch from facing the foe on the battlefield.
You, however, have managed to exhibit even more just and honorable actions during this past conflict than Travance itself. I commend you. Valos himself would be proud of your work. You truly walk the righteous path. It is good that you have informed Travance of the situation and the results of our efforts. Your transparency and devotion to the truth also is commendable.
In gratitude for your leadership grounded in the service of others,
Father Ephrem,
The Heart of Valos,
Primus of the Church of Light in Travance
It was an honor to fight in defense of a place that, in multiple ways now, has welcomed me like kin. The outcome may have not been the one we wanted, but we certainly gave more than we took. He escaped- with no crew, no special weapon, and now, he holds no significant rank amongst his people.
I thank all of those who fought with me, and all of those who worked so hard to organize our defense. Again, it was an honor. Commander, you have my respect.
Now onto the next adventure!
-Exander Kyne
Oh Niko, how lovely such a bonding moment. Aikichi, Don't thank the things you stab. Your showing your true colors here, and honestly your rather drab. Dragons are always such greedy creatures and well, you would appear to be the same. You're as quick to judge a monster as that half whit prissy boy, if not quicker. Could have taken that shiny little trophy of yours, since such great and mighty protectors... left it sitting out in the middle of the inn. Good of someone who sat with us to take a piece, don't lie to these people about the orb; I'm sure the rest is serving you well in the Black Keep down some corridor on the basement floor as a lovely...... ordainment. It won't be "well protected". But we're not here just to bad mouth you, although it is very easy. Rather to give you advice; one "corrupted thing" to another. Saying thanks and being thankful are two different things. You seem to swing where you see fit just as that captain. It's funny, we would mistake you as his brother most any other day - well, excluding the dragoons of course. -Moostrav
You freed a dragon now bent on surviving
At the cost of the lives of its hosts.
You allowed the man who came here,
Who came here to kill your count,
The chance to escape and try again.
You bar access to the device
That could help many
From those you personally deem unfit
With threat of destruction.
And you pat yourself on the back
For a job well done.
Good job indeed.
Be proud of your miserable failure.
Nikola Malagan