Gate Stones
Please send any additions or clarifications you would like to see on this document to Faila Stormshard Steelson or comment below. I have tried to summarize some of the current theories/ideas, and have included some names below in case someone would like more information on each. I have definitely missed many individual contributions - feel free to send revisions as you see fit.
The gates are marked by large stones. Are they the actual gate or a type of beacon? (Lois)
These stones are igneous rock that is extremely hard - can’t be damaged with a hammer. Large red crystals (Berek)
Brazen suggests that explosives applied at a weak point would destroy the stones (Berek)
Perhaps some changes could be made that wouldn't be externally obvious, but would alter the internal workings of the gate? If the stone could be moved back toward a molten state, would it be possible to modify some of its “wiring” without destroying the stone.
it would be helpful to take control of them as opposed to destroying them. Or to have them not work, but Danarest thinks they are still working - short and long term positive ramifications.
It may be possible to modify the stone with extremely high heat source(s). Research suggests the heat sources cannot be magical (Faila)
There appears to be a planar element to the gate stones (Khala)
This may be the extreme heat source necessary to modify the stones
Possible sources of extreme heat
Plane of Fire
Explosives (but will they only destroy the stones?)
Could there be a connection between this heat source and a corrupted sun card?
Can we reverse engineer or otherwise manipulate the ritual that created the gate stone in order to control it? Do we know what energy powered their creation? (Lucky)
Can we use one gate to control the others? This may mean having to destroy the first gate - it is unclear which gate was first - is it the one that goes to Danarest’s study? (Orophin)
Orophin is working on a scrying method that will allow them to locate other gate stones.
It seems time to sort theories from facts. I have reached out directly to some to try to consolidate information, but since communications regularly go astray, I thought it would be useful to post known facts about the gate runes below.
In service to the people of Travance I remain,
Faila S.S.
Druids can also commune with Arawyn to ask for possible guidance on how to proceed.