It has come to my attention through a friend that Dr. Selby Wainwright is in fact still... alive-ish? An entity that some of you may have met in Sevenlore has disseminated some information, that has made its way to me, pertaining to Selby's condition and a potential way to return them to us. If you wish to help Selby, I am sure any assistance would be appreciated. I must stress, though, that this is a very important and delicate process so if you wish to help, you must work together with everyone involved and you must maintain the utmost concentration and focus. -Selby's soul is separated from their body but not severed from it. It is lost somewhere in the planes (Not Arawyn, The Spirit Realm or Eodra.) -Eliseery, the entity that has ultimately provided this information, will be coming to Travance this coming feast and aiding with a ritual to bring Selby back. In order to bring Selby back we need to devise a plan to locate Selby's soul wherever it is wandering. Then we need to create a planar link strong enough that we do not lose their soul. And ultimately we need to ensure that the tenuous connection that still exists between Selby's soul and body remains in tact as we bring them back. Eliseery has requested a few items to aid in this ritual, assumedly the more the better. ~Something that is definitively Selby’s, that even when separated from her is so intrinsically hers that you know it would belong to her. Several of these are ideal if several items like this are attainable. Preferably not off of her body as we will need the body to be as familiar to the soul as possible. ~A belonging that represents our personal connection to Doctor Selby Wainwright. Preferably something literal, but metaphorical will work here as well. ~Items of power that are distinctly of the prime material plane, also known as Arawyn. Eliseery indicated that this will assist us in building our connection from whichever plane she is located on to the Material, so we do not lose her while the soul travels. ~Items that are distinctly related to Travance, as this is the location we are trying to bring Selby to. I do not know who all has received letters from Eliseery but this was past on to me from Ravyn. If anyone else has any other pertinent information please bring it forward so we have the best chance of success. If you have a desire to assist, please leave your name on the parchment below. Unless someone would like to come forward and contest what I'm about to say, I am designating Ravyn as the spearhead for this mission. I have been asked to aid and advise because of what knowledge i possess about ritualcraft and my connection to Arawyn itself. I barely know how to interact with spirits, nor do I know anything about fate and Bardics. So any who wish to step forward leave your name below, leave a note if you have something to aid us in the ritual, let us know what you can do to help and we will help pull you into this whole thing. As I begin my ritual crafting process I will proceed to post my ideas below, please feel free to leave notes below or contact me and we can collaborate on this. I look forward to hearing from you all. Sincerely, A friend who wants to see Selby whole again, Nesterin
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I apologize for taking so long to post here, I have been working on something since receiving that letter from Eliseery.
I have been working on a modified version of a Belmont Planar Lance, or at least something made based on that idea. I cannot be present for the ritual, but once built, I will give it to Damien to bring to the ritual. It will be constructed with pieces from Albriar, Selby's lab, and some signifiers of personal connection - a bracelet that means family. Ilana has offered to contribute the scrolls of Banishment it requires.
The goal is to fill it with intention and determination to bring Selby home and use it as almost a grappling hook or something to lock onto the connection we need with the plane where Selby's soul is currently. Perhaps the scrolls will help shake Selby loose of that place and provide a stabilizer to help the soul return (along with the other measures in place).
I think this could fit in well with the many ideas that have been put forward so far. In particular, this lance requires a propulsive force and it sounds like something of that kind is already in the plans! Mina, as my student, would you be willing to help coordinate Damien with the lance and the crafters creating the explosion? If there will be an Eldritch Archer present, I'd be interested in speaking to them ahead of time too.
I am so happy to see everyone doing what they can to bring Selby back. I'm not sure how to say what that means to me, and Selby should hear it first anyway.
- Ser Kestrel Laurant-Belmont
Nesterin, Apologies for the delayed response to all the goings on in regards Selby and her current predicament. Besides ensuring nothing happens to her body along with Rayvn while Selby isn't inhabiting it, I have been wrapped up in other matters and haven't been around to notice your summons here on the Dragons Claw board. I have also received a letter outlining the conditions and updating me on Selby's current situation from one Eliseery of the Citrine Isle's. I am willing to help in any way needed to return Selby to her physical form, someone need just tell me in what way I am able to help. ~Raine G. Darkmore
I think the idea of a reflective surface to locate Selby's soul is a very good idea, specifically I would highly recommend a silvered mirror. There's a huge link between silver and souls, and I can offer my knowledge about this and scrying to help facilitate this step or any other that is needed. I will immediately warn, scrying to another plane of existence is challenging at easiest and impossible most commonly. Though it often makes it less impossible and challenging when the soul wants to be found, so we should have that going for us. My immediate thought would be to petition Agaura for aid, as lost things are her specialty.
Nesterin, I received a letter as well and I will do all I can in aiding the efforts. I have something for the personal connection, and I can do what I can in helping with the connection to Arawyn as well as locating the soul along with the rest of you. Let's get our friend back -Peaches
Ravyn knows I'm here for whatever she needs. I don't have an ounce of magic in me, but I have two things I can contribute that connect me to Selby.
Would it help if people were crafting or doing science near the ritual? It's a very Selby thing to do...
(His handwriting is still sloppy and hastily written) Connection to Arawyn: I have an item that... could work for this but I need it for something else as well... Maybe Planar anchors have beeen made before by many - I've done it myself as well so we could definitely try something like that... Maybe trying to recreate a scourge talisman? These used to push people away but perhaps we could use it in conjunction with Selby to pull them instead. Does anyone have anything with power that very distinctly comes from here? Arawyn here that is. Perhaps instead of using the forks on the soul we can use bards to sing at the forks while holding onto keepsakes of Selby's (to channel through)? -N
I don't know if this would work, but I am willing to serve as an anchor to Arawyn thanks to my primal spirit connections, if that would help?
To throw ideas at the wall: since there is still a connection between the soul and the body, could we maybe try to find the cord/connection and figure out its resonance? Attune the forks to that resonance and use it reverberate through the planes as you planned. It may amplify the souls own energies enough to make scrying easier.
I have two ideas for helping locate Selby: First idea - Set up a scrying type ritual - Empyreans would make essentially a reflective surface out of ice - in which I can imbed a nifty little fate trinket i recently picked up to help amplify Ravyn's bardics through which we can attempt to do sort of a bardic scrying. Second idea - Tuning forks - big ones. Sing into the tuning forks and let them resonate through the planes. Empyreans could possible help with getting the sound to reach farther with their planar magicks. Hexers too if somehow Selby is in the abyss. Are psion's tied to the astral realms? Rough ideas but its a start - -Nesterin
I thank you for getting this information out as quickly as possible. I have already sent word to Darkwood Academy, the Order of the Sagewardens, and all of Albriar. My owls have been traveling back and forth nonstop. Judging by the contents of the letter, Eliseery contacted individuals other than myself.
To anyone reading this: If you were also contacted by Eliseery -- please, reach out. You were contacted for a reason -- there's a way for all of us to coordinate and help Selby. I'd like to develop a plan in advance of Eliseery's arrival.
As for my own part in all of this, since we must locate Selby’s soul within the planes with close to absolute certainty, I had the idea to utilize a component gained from assisting the bardic vestige last moon. This may not be the entire plan, but could function as a piece of it. A feather from the bardic vestige was given to me as a reward for my service, and given my own vocal talents, I thought it may be possible to combine the mimicry of the bardic vestige with my own abilities to potentially create some sort of vocal loop that sings back to us. I’m known for my ability to send calls over long distances and sustain song for long durations. Is there any way for us to attach it to the small fragment of Selby’s soul that is still connected to her body, then have it play like a homing beacon from the other side where the rest of her soul resides? It could then draw us in and allow us to find her with better accuracy. I’m willing to give up my voice for the duration, and channel for as long as the ritual needs to hold if that is what it takes.
I may not be incredibly experienced as a ritualist, but for those who are -- everything that I can offer to bring Selby back is in your hands.
In addition, I have Selby’s Albriar signet ring and Viceroy badge. She gave them to me via a letter she sent from Sevenlore a few months ago. They are a direct link to our home of Albriar, as well as something of Selby’s. I find comfort in knowing that she gifted something to me which can aid us in finding her.
Let us coordinate and band together now. I sincerely and genuinely appreciate the assistance of each of you.
In Duty, Truth, Honor, and Trust,
Dame Ravyn Aeronwen Weir
Third Knight of Albriar
Knight Commander, Order of the Sagewardens
Dean of Bardics, Darkwood Academy
Should you need my help, you know you always have it. However I may be useful I shall assist. Besides, the good Dr still owes me, Piloff, and Amhrán another science lesson and I don't plan on missing that. Let's bring Selby home shall we?
Mad Science Enthusiasts
Kieran Briste-Laoch.
Good Nesterin,
I am not sure what help I could give but I'll be there for anything you need. In truth, I would like to see this process and how you perform this rite.
Please allow me to assist you in any way I can.
~Alexsei Nicholaevich
I would be glad to help as someone who deals with fate and souls regularly.
Squire Maliouse
I am happy to help in whatever capacity you and Ravyn need
I'm not sure how I can help within the parameters that you have given in this letter, but I will most certainly give aid in any way that I can. May the Light guide our way.
Father Ephrem