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November 2024 Epilogue


Merikh’s wings curled in around him and he and his passenger landed at the steps of his Lord’s Court. 

“W-where are we?” the soul he carried whispered, its tone carrying a feeling of fear and awe in equal measure. Merikh could feel the soul shivering if one could say that a soul could shiver- which he could, really, because this was never a hopeful trip. Thinking back to a few moments ago as he had watched this man die in another man’s arms, crying and asking to rest, he felt a moment of pity for what this soul was about to endure. Almost as if it felt that resonance, the soul lifted its face to scan Merikh’s expression as he replied. 

“We are at the steps of the Howling Void,” he said firmly. This man had committed a great heresy in his Lord’s eyes,  not to mention the harm he did to countless other souls. Cianbhan had been destined to arrive at this place all along even if not originally for this length of time. 

“I feel… cold. Terrified.” The soul- Cianbhan- looked away from Merikh’s face to scan the gates before him. “How long? Will I finally be able to… rest?”

Merikh chose his next words carefully. “ You have been awaited for many centuries; if there is rest, it will be a long while before you see it. At least this will be nothing like the Void.”

Cianbhan took a breath he no longer needed and took the first step. “Will… you come with me? To the entrance?” 

Merikh echoed Cianbhan’s step, his hand resting on his lower back to push him forward. “My duty is to deliver you to my Lord. Nothing more, nothing less. Come.”

The two figures entered the gates as darkness and howling wind engulfed them. 


Heulwyn, in this time called Aísling, felt her heart open with radiance as she and her guard- her family- were placed gently onto the road leading to Eodra by Elric and Shamus. She spun about her in awe and for once her laugh was one of pure joy. Her soul was… at rest. Her heart was full. She was to be welcomed in the one place she had never dared dream to enter because of the kindness and care of those who she had barely known. 

“May the Gods and Goddesses Bless Travance,” she whispered fervently. 

“Most of them do already.” A voice like bells came from behind her. 

Heulwyn caught herself and turned slowly to see a figure she had seen once before, on the day she had changed her destiny forever. 

“Kyari,” she breathed. “My Lady, you show me too much favor to greet me here.”

Kyari laughed, the sound like music to all around her. “My little priestess, it is you who have shown me much favor. The sacrifices made- by you all,” she said, her gaze going to each of the honor guard before returning to Heulwyn, one hand stroking Heulwyn’s cheek. “You did more than I could have expected of anyone,” she whispered. “I am proud beyond words to call you my Kin. Come- before you enter here, let me show you the home you leave behind.”

Together, the two traveled through mists that parted into tendrils brushing Heulwyn’s hair as she moved. She looked around her in wonder until suddenly the mountains appeared in the distance, and the Cities appeared. She began to run forward until Kyari pulled her back with a grin that changed to a wistful smile. 

“They will not be able to see or hear or smell you, little one. It is the price of dying that you have paid- still, the gift of seeing your legacy I share freely with you. Now come and witness what you have brought together.”


Ceara MacMillan sighed tiredly after assisting others in setting a table aright, her silent and invisible visitors unknown to her. So many things to do, to fix, to heal after the travesty of Cianbhan’s rampage. At the thought, she felt tears well afresh remembering the losses Traveler’s Vale had suffered,and swallowed hard to keep them at bay. Taking a deep breath, she looked up and cried out in astonishment. 

“Where can we help?” Nesterin and Osa chorused as they walked proudly towards the Councilwoman, still currently in shock. They were closely followed by Kieran, Peaches, Marika, Aemorniel, Elric, Renault, Doron, and Darius- all with relieved smiles to see the minimized damage around them. 

“You- you came back? What… Did she survive?! Did you save them?” Ceara clutched her symbol in one hand so hard it bit into her flesh. “Did they…” her words trailed off at the sight of their faces and those that followed them. 

Aemorniel, Marika, and Elric stepped forth and it was left to Aemorniel to explain all of the events that had occurred since Traveler’s Vale had last seen the people of Travance. 

Amidst the grief and sorrow, there was new-found hope as the people of the Vale embraced the visitors who came to give them such mixed news and assistance. News and stories were exchanged in equal measure-Aísling’s mother being visited by Aemorniel to learn of her daughter’s last moments and newfound peace and for Aemorniel to learn stories of Aísling’s life in turn; Darius and Nesterin telling the Council of Cianbhan’s death and ultimate fate; Osa, Kieran, and Renault assisting in the gathering of herbs, fruit, and what crops could be gathered which Peaches used to make exotic dishes the Vale had never tasted before; Marika and Elric blessing their respective altars and churches before assisting in consecrating the bodies of the fallen; Doron performing what entertainment they might even as they met the family of Delphine, the one he had never gotten to truly know. 


Even as the celebration continued-would continue she knew- Heulwyn meditated on the one Kin she had heard of and yet not seen nor witnessed. In the corner of her eye, she saw Kyari studying her face in silence, and she knew she could ask the question. 

“Cianbhan? Was he… saved?”

Kyari’s face hardened before softening into a sadness and regret that Heulwyn could feel even as a soul. “He was given to Galmachis. Galmachis does not… release His gifts easily,” she said, gently. 

“For all time? W-why? Surely, he could be saved?”

Kyari was silent and another appeared by her side- Amaris, moving to peer at something that Heulwyn could not see. 

“It was his time- for now, little sister. We do not give up our Kin easily, however. And the mortals that gave Galmachis this gift also prayed to others for Cianbhan’s peace. Should there be a chance for a deal and he has earned it, we will do what we can. That is the most we can say, little one.”

Amaris and Kyari looked at each other steadily before smiling once more at Heulwyn, and ushering her to the peace she had paid lifetimes for. With the assurance that there was still hope, the little priestess who had seen so many centuries turned away from the past and finally embraced her future. 

Time passes for all things, grief and happiness alike. The interesting thing for mortals is, Kyari mused, they can choose to embrace both. And thus this tale is ended, this chapter closed, this book finished. 


Another story is always waiting to be written. 

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