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Online Announcements August 2024

Writer's picture: Talaniel StarlingTalaniel Starling


Day Camp is using the campground during the week. Therefore earliest arrival is 5:30pm and nobody will be allowed on premises until 5:30pm on Friday. This is not negotiable.

James, Steve, or an Officer will wave players onto camp from the barn entrance and post an announcement on Discord and Facebook when you are allowed on camp.

Check in begins at 6pm.

Lay on is at 10pm.

Lay off is Sunday at 2pm.


Mandatory New Player Training will be held at 7:30 pm Friday under the white tent outside of the Inn. If you are bringing a friend for the first time, you are welcome to quietly sit it. We ask everyone else please move along from the area till after training is done. New Player training will be approxamately 20 minutes long as we cover important safey aspect of the game. You are welcome to stay longer should you wish to delve into key mechanics and a brief combat demo to help you get accustomed to the game as a whole.

There will be a new player tour mod at 11am Saturday for players with One list, not just first event players this time around. ~Meet at the Inn at 10:45 and someone will collect you.~ 

Parking at Logistics

At this time, the only people authorized to park in the area behind or next to logistics are with direct permission from the Director, or the Officers, Safety Lead, Weekend Event Runner, and Exalted Team. Anyone else cannot leave their cars parked in that area.

Please do not park in front of the door/garage door to the area under the barn, or you will be parked in.

Early Camp Cleanup

If you are leaving early (before lay off) and need cleanup assignments, please see the Logistics Marshals. They will be able to assign you tasks to complete. Please do not see them for early cleanup if you will still be on camp at lay-off on Sunday at 2pm, and instead come to lay-off to get your assignment.

Rules Announcements and Updates


The Physician skill Reanimation is being updated to only work on another target. This may seem intuitive, but certain Exalted abilities require this clarification.

Players may start seeing a Light Blue Clothespin on certain characters where they might expect to see a black or red clothespins. These are unique to specific In Game guilds, and will NOT be honored if attempted to be turned in to Logistics. Please do not attempt to use Sleight of Hand to attain these without forewarning from said guild.

In an effort to make Ceremonialist less daunting both to teach, and to learn, Quests have been changed to be run in one of 3 categories. A single Quest may grant you access to several rituals at once, similar to as was done with Sorcerer. Some quests have also been reduced to achievements within Ceremonialist. 

The Exalted Class Fence has had its Legendary Passive updated for clarity. 

The opening description of Stormblade has been updated in order to no longer imply a religious connection that wasn’t intended.


Players are reminded that if any artifacts combined at the Artifact Forge have two or more abilities that are not: 2 or fewer Periodic Base or Master class skills, 2 of fewer Passive Base or Master class skills (including Paragons), or a single passive ability that solely modifies a Base or Master class skill, the resulting Artifact must be submitted for approval by Rules Design. Artifacts such as these without the signature of Rules Design are invalid.

The skill Hidden Pocket may only be used to hide an object no larger than 24 inches in any dimension, and lasts for a duration of up to 5 minutes. This may not be used in reaction to another skill or interaction, and must be called for the character to benefit from its effects.

Players are reminded that it takes 5 seconds to use a Consumable. If you are using a Latent Defense from a Consumable, you must have used it in that same Period. You can only benefit from a Latent Defense in this way once per unique Consumable at a time. The only exception to this is those with Consumable Talents that say they may activate the skill as a Defense by spending a Talent Slot instead of using an item.

Online Announcement

During this event only, if you have read all of the announcements, you may use one (or one additional) use of the periodic skill Throw as a thank you for actually reading the announcements and keeping updated on important information! Please refrain from sharing this on the Discord or other places online so that folks can discover this surprise for themselves!

Lore Announcement

A Pre-emptive warning for those waiting to submit for Unique Species or Restricted Races! The form will open shortly after the August event and will have an extended open period to the beginning of November. Any details on species / races that are currently at cap for this round will be made available when the form formally opens! So get your write ups ready!

Safety Announcement

Rain is on the forecast for this weekend so be sure to pack and plan accordingly. Temperatures will still be in the mid 80’s during the day so be sure to hydrate and keep cool. Cases of water will be available in the Inn and Logistics. Please be sure to follow all atmospheric requirements when using them and ensure you dispose of your trash properly. 

Friendly reminder, players need to ensure they are having their cards signed and noted by a Safety Team member when using  a green headband as well as when you intend to stop using them so the note can be removed. This is to ensure we have a baseline awareness of who should and shouldn’t be using them. They are not something to be used for one’s convenience in the moment and are solely for players who cannot participate in normal physical combat.

The on call list will be posted in logistics and threaded in the KR Discord for all Marshals.

Card Announcements

Card Team Announcements

Please ensure you have noted and read the updates to how Self Teaches work. Find the document here:

As always, Card Team will be available in the Bar room from 6p-9p Friday (during check-in) to help new players with their cards. Please be respectful of our team and do not ask them for help before hours have started. If you are a regularly attending player, please try to resolve any card issues before arriving at camp (contact us on Discord) so we can focus on helping new players!

REMINDER: The ritual Soul Rewrite can only be used once per year (once per 12 months). This applies whether you chose the option that gives you a scar or not.

If you received this ritual and the date is not noted on your character card, please shoot Mara a message via Discord.

Write legibly on your card, with a dark colored pen (please no pencil!! And no neon colored pens!). If Card Team cannot read what you wrote, it will not get added to your card. If someone else signs off your card make sure they wrote the skill legibly!!

We recommend taking photos of your card before turning them in! Card team does their best, but we are only human(...ish). Photos are great for both you and us if we need to correct any mistakes.

Read your card notes!

Logistics Announcements

If you have general logistics donations please feel free to bring them to logistics for compensation at any time. (Please just not while the check in line is super long.)

Please bring all event items, ask for by Jenn, to them directly for compensation and hand-off.

Atmosphere Announcements

There will be a workshop on “Channeled Casting” Friday night at 9pm under the Market Tent. Look for Crystal!

Reminders from the Atmosphere Team this month!

-Stay in character. If for some reason you need to go out of game, please do so away from other players as to not impact their immersion and gameplay. Please do not interrupt a scene for an OOG comment unless it is absolutely necessary. 

-Roleplay your combat and sell your blows. It makes combat more fun for everyone

Please do not openly use your phone. We get that there are times when you may need to check the time or check a rule, but please try to do these checks with your phone under a table or away from other players. We have noticed a severe uptick in this with the new exalted rules.

Please be mindful of your trash.

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© 1997 - Present Day by James C, Kimball 

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