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  • July 2024 Epilogue

    The epilogue for the July 2024 event has been posted. please visit to view it! Drew

  • June 2024 Photos

    Hello all, photos for the Week in the Life June 2024 Event have been posted to the website! Please visit and follow the links to the photo gallery to view. Another thanks to our wonderful photographers for all their photos! They'll make the rest of their galleries public as they have time. Drew

  • August Knight Realms Sleeping Assignments and RSVP

    RSVP here if you plan to attend our August event from August 2-4, 2024! This form will close on July 29 and assignments will be sent the evening of July 30.

  • Upcoming Project

    Knight Realms is looking for people skilled in the following areas to join the team building a new web application for the community: UI/UX design for web (desktop and mobile) HTML/CSS Project management for software development Technical writing & documentation IOS/Android application development If any of these describe your skills and you are interested in helping to bring this project to life, which aims to increase the ease of access to game information such as rules, policies, announcements, sleeping space RSVP, etc for players as well as provide tools for organizers/content runners, please send a Discord DM to Adrian ( @Fyperia ). Work on this project will be compensated (exact compensation to be discussed.)

  • Website Updates

    Hello everyone, you might see random parts of the website get updated over the next few weeks as we work on consolidating and updating all of our policies and the rulebook to ensure it is one consistent piece across everything. Thanks, Drew

  • Winterdark Masquerade Ball 2024

    Our Winterdark Masquerade Ball (also known as Moresca Ball) will be held on Saturday, October 12 2024. Details of the event can be found here . We will publish any necessary details for this year closer to the actual event!

  • July 2024 Online announcements

    Schedule: Day Camp is using the campground during the week. Therefore earliest arrival is 5:30pm and nobody will be allowed on premises until 5:30pm on Friday. This is not negotiable. James, Steve, or an Officer will wave players onto camp from the barn entrance and post an announcement on Discord and Facebook when you are allowed on camp. Check in begins at 6pm. Lay on is at 10pm. Lay off is Sunday at 2pm. *** Mandatory New player training will be at 7:30pm Friday under the big white tent next to the Inn. If you are bringing a new player feel free to attend with them, otherwise we ask people not to interject without proper permission. An optional combat demo will take place after to help get you accustomed to the way fights work at game!  Following the same note, 11am Saturday will be a new player in game tour of the camp. Learn about the various lands and test your combat abilities out on a mod fit for your level! Weather pending of course. Remember your IG/OOG safety tools! We all enjoy spicy rp from time to time, but never feel ashamed if you need to bow out because it is a bit much. The community manager team is here for you! It is recommended that for new players npc shifts, you select the Friday night 10pm-2am shifts or the Saturday 2pm-6pm shift. These shifts will have a community manager on them to offer assistance to those in need ! Saturday 10-2 is a potential option, just note your PC will miss the new player your, however you are welcome to NPC for it! NPC Shift Volunteer Opportunity Lucian is offering 2x SP for NPC volunteers on the Saturday 2PM to 6 PM (if you want to only volunteer for one module, I ask you show up at 2:45 PM) shift and Main Mod Shift. Partial Rewards will be given to those who stay for only part of the shift or just for main mod. Players who take that shift as normal will also get bonus SP for entertaining the game in big fights in the summer. Parking at Logistics At this time, the only people authorized to park in the area behind or next to logistics are with direct permission from the Director, or the Officers, Safety Lead, Weekend Event Runner, and Exalted Team. Anyone else cannot  leave their cars parked in that area. Please do not park in front of the door/garage door to the area under the barn, or you will be parked in. Early Camp Cleanup If you are leaving early (before lay off) and need cleanup assignments, please see the Logistics Marshals. They will be able to assign you tasks to complete. Please do not see them for early cleanup if you will still be on camp at lay-off on Sunday at 2pm, and instead come to lay-off to get your assignment. Safety Announcements Temps will be in the high 80’s for a good portion of the event. We ask that players do their best to stay hydrated and take plenty of breaks. Players are always welcome to seek shelter in cooled buildings should they need it. Keep an eye on yourselves and each other.  As always, be sure to use that bug spray and check for ticks.  Expect Rain this weekend, be sure to pack accordingly and bring plenty of socks.  The on call list will be posted in logistics as usual. Atmosphere Announcements There will be a workshop on “Playing to Uplift” Friday night at 9pm by the Inn Pond. Look for Jacob F! Reminders from the Atmosphere Team this month! -Stay in character. If for some reason you need to go out of game, please do so away from other players as to not impact their immersion and gameplay. Please do not interrupt a scene for an OOG comment unless it is absolutely necessary.  -Roleplay your combat and sell your blows. It makes combat more fun for everyone Please do not openly use your phone. We get that there are times when you may need to check the time or check a rule, but please try to do these checks with your phone under a table or away from other players. We have noticed a severe uptick in this with the new exalted rules. Please be mindful of your trash. Rules Dev Announcements  -Please trade in nonsense Illicit cards for regular cards -The paragon desolation does not work on augments or utility skills.  It is for attacks and defenses only. -The negotiation skill probe thoughts does not work on player characters. -You can never be immune, resistant or highly resistant to bane damage. -If you are resistant to a damage type you take half.  If you are highly resistant to a damage type you take half or make 10 which ever is lower.  -If you are rendered weak to a damage type you take double damage from that type and that type is considered bane  -Sacrosanct Infernal Heart component has been updated - There is a minimum of 1 second between attack skills on the same target. -Spells that are not reactions or defenses take a minimum of 3 seconds to cast. When casting a spell you are required to role-play either somatic casting with an open hand or wand. Otherwise you must cast with verbals if your hands are occupied.  -When using a skill that refreshes a periodic skill. You can only refresh up to your max number on your card.  If you have 2 deflects and refresh 3 skills you can only refresh 2 deflects per period. - Magitechnician has had its text about runes in the opening passive corrected to only work on actually valid locations for runes. Cards Announcements: Card Team will be available in the Bar room from 6p-9p Friday (during check-in) to help new players with their cards. Please be respectful of our team and do not ask them for help before hours have started. If you are a regularly attending player, please try to resolve any card issues before arriving at camp (contact us on Discord) so we can focus on helping new players! Read your card notes every month. This is the primary way for our teams to contact you and tell you important things. You are responsible for reading these notes and knowing what is in them. All signatures on cards (bank transactions, lessons, signoffs, etc) must have the player's initials AND card number, without exception. Please try to write legibly on your cards (and with a dark colored pen)! If we can't read it, it doesn't get added. If it rains, please try to protect your card from disintegrating!

  • July 2024 Event RSVP and Sleeping Arrangements

    Please fill this form out if you plan on attending our July event! This event begins Friday, July 5 and runs through Sunday, July 7.  This form will remain open until the evening of Monday, July 1 . It will close on Tuesday, July 2 and we will send out sleeping assignments on the evening of Wednesday, July 3.

  • Week In the Life & June Announcements

    Earliest Arrival is 2pm on Wednesday. This is a hard and fast limit. Do not arrive before 2pm. Work to prepare the camp for a double event is underway and you should not be on premises before 2pm. If you arrive early, there are several local coffee shops, restaurants, or parks that you can hang out in. Don’t be on camp before 2pm. Wednesday Check In runs from 6pm to 10pm. Soft lay on for the week portion is at 6pm, but we understand people will be arriving throughout the weekday event; if you are arriving after soft lay on please be courteous of other people’s engagement in in-game activity, move in quickly and quietly, and do not engage fellow players OOG. Come to logistics when you arrive on camp to get checked in - if James is not present, there will be instructions in logistics for you. There is no formal lay-on on Wednesday. The Weekday Event runs from Wednesday to Friday at 2pm, when we have a soft hold. Players may remain in-game between 2pm and 10pm when we hold formal lay-on in the Inn for the Weekend portion of the event. Lay Off is Sunday at 2pm, and please be EXTRA certain not to leave any belongings onsite this event after lay off! Any abandoned belongings may possibly never be seen again. Remember! The weekday portion of our event is still in-game, but there are no NPC shifts and no formal mods. Players may choose to consume alcoholic beverages, but we prioritize player safety and anyone who is inebriated to the point of illness or causing issues may face disciplinary consequences. Drinking policies are posted on our website under Policies. Please refresh yourself on these if you plan to drink. Only those of the legal age may consume. If you plan to share alcohol with another player, you should have utmost confidence they are of legal age. That can include asking to see their ID - as an alternative, we will have gold wristbands at check in for players to display in lieu of a legal ID with their birthday on it. Anyone who is found drinking underage or providing alcohol to someone underage will face consequences up to removal from property. There are no combat NPCs, but some lessons may be run during the week event. NOBODY may participate in combat within four hours of consuming alcohol or any other inebriating substances. Period. All alcohol must be removed from the property during the soft hold and before 10pm on Friday. Remember that all portions of the event are in-game and therefore with the exception of moving in or out, cars do not belong in the live play area. Parking at Logistics At this time, the only people authorized to park in the area behind or next to logistics are with direct permission from the Director, or the Officers, Safety Lead, Weekend Event Runner, and Exalted Team. Anyone else cannot leave their cars parked in that area. Please do not park in front of the door/garage door to the area under the barn, or you will be parked in. Early Camp Cleanup: If you are leaving before lay off or want to get your camp cleanup done early, meet Alice at the Inn Bar Room between 6 and 6:30pm on Saturday OR at the Inn Porch (or Bar Room if it’s raining) on Friday at 3pm for an assignment. Community Announcements Do not forget to donate to our non perishable food drive for the Sparta food pantry! We will be offering 2x regular SP for donations. Monetary donations are always accepted as well! Bins will be in logistics. Remember that the state of New Jersey is BYOB: Bring your own bag! Many like to do food shopping during the week and with the Shoprite down the road, we can't blame you. Just remember to bring your own reusable bags! Please be considerate of fridge space. Make sure all your food is together and has your name on it. There is limited fridge space, so plan accordingly! While drinking and smoking are allowed during the week portion, please remember to consume responsibly.  Make sure to have your ID on you incase you are asked to show proof of age. Remember to Review KR policy when it comes to Drinking on camp! New player training will be Friday at 7:30pm under the big white tent in the inn. We will be going over common safety while larping. Players are welcome to stay later for a more in-depth lesson on game mechanics. Further more there will be a combat demo/spar afterwards to help new players get a feel for combat! 11am Saturday there will be a first event player tour! Be in the Inn by 10:45am! Someone will come for you.~ Any new players joining us for the week portion, feel free to seek out any community manager with questions! Cards, Skills, and Patreon: Week in the Life counts as two separate events for purposes of payment. A tier 3+ Patreon subscription will cover ONE of these events--the player must pay for the other event, including alts, as normal. As per our website documentation, the weekday portion of the event is ten build. This does not change if the player is a Patreon subscriber. The weekend portion of the event follows standard KR event rules, and is 8 build (or 10/15 if Patreon). Week in the Life counts as two events for purposes of learning skills and prerequisites. That means, for example, if a player opens a list during the weekday, they may learn skills from it during the weekend portion. Be sure to mark on your card what section of the event a skill was learned. Exalted Announcements As stated, some lessons may occur during the week portion of Week in the Life. If you are scheduled for a lesson then you are expected to show up to your lesson sober. Thank you Safety Announcements There will be a number of Safety Marshals present during the week portion of WiTL, there will not be a dedicated on-call marshal, however, contact info will be available at Logistics and pinned on the Marshal Discord for emergencies. Reminder players are expected to have life saving medication (rescue inhaler, epi-pen, etc.) on their person or on camp, but ideally on their person. Campfires should only be had in designated fire pits, players may also use standalone campfires, stoves, and cooking appliances but are expected to use them properly and responsibly. If there is a burn ban in effect, we will advise if there are any restrictions at the time. If you are traveling alone to deeper parts of the camp make sure you let someone know and bring a phone. Be sure to keep hydrated especially if you're drinking and use bug spray as ticks are now in full swing. People are expected to be responsible when consuming alcohol during the week portion of the event, Safety Marshals are not babysitters, if a player becomes inebriated to the point requiring our intervention there will be consequences. Be mindful of yourself and keep an eye on each other. We will resume normal team operations for the weekend portion of the event, all contact info can be found in the places listed before. Logistics Announcements During the week portion there will be a few Logistics shifts that will handle Bank based transactions. The LM's will be in the inn like either in the side room or at the Scholars table. They will be in character but please feel free to approach them with your needs! Check in will be handled by James. These are the people you will be looking for. Please remember to be courteous to them while we try something different this year! Thursday 12pm-2pm - Reed M. Thursday 2pm-4pm - Renee G. Thursday 4pm-6pm -Matt E. Friday 12pm-2pm - Bri O. Rules Announcements The Weekday periods will count as starting: Thursday @ 2 AM Thursday @ 10 AM Thursday @ 2 PM Thursday @ 8 PM Friday @ Midnight Friday @ 10 AM Friday @ 10 PM will count as both the start of a period, and the start of an event (Refreshing all skills, including per weekend abilities). Any ability that last for the event will however carry over from the weekday portion to the weekend. Artifacts copied from replica expire at the end of the period on Sunday. If you modified a Replica Artifact, message Tim with a photo of your card (not at the event) and he will make you a card for the abilities copied from replica.

  • June Week in The Life Sleeping FORM/RSVP

    Please fill out this form if you will be attending EITHER portion of our upcoming June Week In The Life event! Please fill out this form if you are planning to attend the June 2024 event - either the weekday, weekend, or BOTH portions! Please check the box indicating whether you need sleeping space for weekend, weekday, or  both! The Weekday event begins on Wednesday, June 5 and ends Friday June 7. The Weekend event begins Friday June 7 and ends Sunday June 9. This form will remain open until the evening of Saturday, June 1. It will close on June 2 and we will send out sleeping assignments on Monday, June 3.

  • May 2024 Online Announcements

    Schedule: Earliest Arrival is noon. Check in begins at 6pm. Lay on is at 10pm. Lay off is Sunday at 1pm. *** New player training will be held in the barn at 7:30 or, weather permitting, under the white tent. At 11am on Saturday, there will be a tour mod for new players - meet in the Inn! Parking at Logistics At this time, the only people authorized to park in the area behind or next to logistics are with direct permission from the Director, or the Officers, Safety Lead, Weekend Event Runner, and Exalted Team. Anyone else cannot leave their cars parked in that area. Please do not park in front of the door/garage door to the area under the barn, or you will be parked in. Saturday Camp Cleanup: If you are leaving before lay off or want to get your camp cleanup done early, meet Alice at the Inn Kitchen between 6 and 6:30pm on Saturday for a mid-game assignment. Safety Announcement As always the on call list will be listed in Logistics and on a threaded post in the Marshal section of KR Discord. The pipe on the thieves trail has been buried, the trail should be fully usable now. Several players have reported finding ticks on their person so be sure to use bug spray and check yourself regularly. Remember, deer ticks can be very small so check carefully. There is a chance for rain on Sunday so be sure to pack accordingly. In addition, be sure to be mindful of temps at night, it’s still possible to have cold weather related injuries at these temps so be sure to stay warm and hydrated! Rules Development/Exalted Announcement If you have access to the marshal section of the discord, please remember to record the result of your rituals (even if you use physical dice). If you are marshaling a ritual on another person’s behalf, please post this info on their behalf. If a player does not have access to the marshal section of the discord, and did not have their ritual marshaled, please make a note of your ritual result on your card. The section for Ritual of the Death Champion has been updated and clarified to specify that the ritual last until the Undead resurrects or is returned from life from the Dead condition otherwise. Additionally, Death Champions may only be healed from Critical from specific abilities, noted within the ritual itself.As always if you have any KR related issues feel free to grab a community manager for assistance. Community Managers Announcement As always if you have any KR related issues feel free to grab a community manager for assistance. With week in the Life being next month, the community manager team will be hosting another food drive for the Sparta Community Food Pantry. Feel free to bring all non perishable or monetary donations to Logistics at any point during the JUNE event for 2x normal Service Point rewards! Here is a link to their website! Cards Announcements Card Team will be available in the Bar room from 6p-9p Friday (during check-in) to help new players with their cards. Please be respectful of our team and do not ask them for help before hours have started. If you are a regularly attending player, please try to resolve any card issues before arriving at camp (contact us on Discord) so we can focus on helping new players! If you have chosen to have your character join the Armies of Light or Darkness, please be sure to fill out the form so this can be added to your character sheet. If you are swinging one of the specialty damage types make sure you have filled this out! Link here: Read your card notes every month. This is the primary way for our teams to contact you and tell you important things. You are responsible for reading these notes and knowing what is in them. All signatures on cards (bank transactions, lessons, signoffs, etc) must have the player's initials AND card number, without exception. Please try to write legibly on your cards (and with a dark colored pen)! If we can't read it, it doesn't get added. Logistics Announcements Gathering: To gather materials, a player is encouraged to take a small group of friends (or go solo!) and engage on an expedition to find materials. There are no required locations for gathering but we would love for players to pick appropriate areas for what they are gathering! Roleplay! The roleplay time to gather is 30 seconds per individual component. At the end of the roleplay time, each player can return to logistics and inform the marshal at the window how long they were gathering for and what type they gathered. Borrowing from Logistics: If you borrowed a weapon from logistics you are required to speak to the Logistics Marshal on duty. They will make on your card and sign off on your borrowing. You must return your borrowed items to Logistics By 1pm on Sunday as that is when the last logistics shift ends. The Logistics Marshal on duty must sign off that the item was returned. Atmosphere Reminders -Stay in character. If for some reason you need to go out of game, please do so away from other players as to not impact their immersion and gameplay. Please do not interrupt a scene for an OOG comment unless it is absolutely necessary. -Roleplay your combat and sell your blows. It makes combat more fun for everyone - Please do not openly use your phone. We get that there are times when you may need to check the time or check a rule, but please try to do these checks with your phone under a table or away from other players. We have noticed a severe uptick in this with the new exalted rules. - Please be mindful of your trash.

  • May 2024 Event RSVP and Sleeping Assignments

    If you are planning to attend our May 2024 event, please fill out this form! It will remain open until late night on Monday, April 29. Assignments will be sent via email the evening of Wednesday, May 1.

© 1997 - Present Day by James C, Kimball 

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