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  • July 2023 Online announcements

    Arrival Time Nobody is allowed on camp before 5:15pm tomorrow, due to the presence of day-camp campers. You must wait until James gives the all-clear to enter the property. The acceptable place to wait if you do arrive before 5:15 is only on the gravel parking area in front of the Inn on White Lake Road. Check In will begin at 6pm. Lay On will be 10pm. Lay Off will be 2pm on Sunday. We are once again offering the option to complete early camp cleanup from 6-6:30pm on Saturday, so that you can get your cleanup taken care of and not need to try and find an Officer or James late on Saturday night or on Sunday morning. Meet Alice at the kitchen side room between 6 - 6:30 for an assignment. You do not have to sign up for this ahead of time, and this option is available to everyone! Reminder! Please refrain from continuing to hit an NPC who is on the ground due to being incapacitated/critical/dead with your physical weapons. Community Manager Announcements Thank you to everyone who participated in the Canned Food drive last month! Donations were happily accepted. New Player Training is at 7:15pm on Friday, under the wedding tent (outside the Inn). Please remember to wear your bug spray and sunscreen! Card Team Announcements 1. Rituals. A lot of us now have access to rituals from our exalted lists! Reminder though, that when casting a ritual--whether on you or someone else--it needs to be written on your/their character card. Use the lined space on the back of the card. And if you use a ritual that was put on you, cross it out or otherwise mark it as used. Longer-lasting rituals will be added to character notes, and you are responsible for marking those off as necessary. 2. Signatures. Anything written on a card, including lessons (especially exalted lessons) needs to be signed off with your player number and IRL initials. All players should be including these two pieces of information, so we know who signed what off and can verify if needed. This also applies if you're teaching a lesson/doing a transaction/etc as an NPC role! Please still put your initials and player # so we know who did the thing. Atmosphere Reminders 1 - Roleplay your combat and sell your blows. It makes combat more fun for everyone. 2 - Please stay in character. If for some reason you need to go out of game, please do so away from other players as to not impact their immersion and gameplay. Please do not interrupt a scene for an OOG comment unless it is genuinely necessary and urgent. 3 - Please do not openly use your phone. We get that there are times when you may need to check the time or check a rule, but please try to do these checks with your phone under a table or away from other players. We have noticed a severe uptick in this with the new exalted rules. 4 - Please be mindful of your trash. Exalted Team Announcements If you have not received a message from the teacher of your lessons, please send Jenn Cutter a message so we can ensure no one was missed. If you requested approval to teach Exalted lists and have not yet received a response, you are not approved to teach them yet. Those requests are still being processed.

  • Winterdark Masquerade Ball 2023

    UPDATED: We have a new date! See below. The Winterdark Masquerade Ball, hosted at Moresca Hall in Ulster Park, New York, will be on Saturday, November 4th! Details from Winterdark Balls of years past can be found here: We will publish more specific details closer to the event! Keep your eyes on the Announcements Page and Discord for further updates.

  • July 2023 Sleeping and Attendance Form

    Please fill out our sleeping space and attendance RSVP form:

  • Exalted Ritual Components

    Hey everyone, as we want to see all your ritual casting if you have an exalted list with rituals during exalted team office hours, please make sure to mention needing a Component Pouch! This special item for Week in the Life only will contain several Greater & Unique generic component cards. These component cards will take the place of any single Greater or Unique component in a ritual. These cards are non-tradeable, non-sellable, and must be used during either the Week or Weekend of the Week in the Life Event. You will be able to gather Lesser Ritual Components per the standard rules. During the week portion, we will be sending out several merchants to help supplement the ritual components you are starting with. During the weekend portion, you will be able to get ritual components as per the rules including: gathering, loot from NPCs, merchants, or buying at Logistics.

  • Week IN the life/June 2023 Online Announcements

    Reminder about Arrival Times for Weekday Wednesday noon is earliest arrival and when casual check in starts. 5pm on Wednesday is soft Lay On. We will not gather in the Inn for any announcements for weekday lLay On. Friday Lay On is at 10pm at the Inn as usual. Sunday Lay Off is at 2pm. For any kitchen use, please check with on-duty bar staff or Officers if there is nobody at the bar. Please remember to clean up after yourselves. Safety Due to statewide and local conditions, there is currently a stage three fire ban in place for Northern NJ. This means that the only permissible means of cooking food outside is in an elevated gas, propane, or electric grill. All campfires and charcoal grills are NOT permitted at this time. Please bring any food trash up to the Inn or dumpster regularly; bears have recently been coming to the Inn in search of delicious leftover food, and we’d like not to have them as guests at our game. Weekday ONLY: Gathering Components (for base list crafting components) During the weekday event, gathering will continue with small modifications: You will gather as per usual, with normal limits (6 total per weekday event, 3 at a time). Instead of coming to logistics, please bring your gathering to one of our roving logistics coordinators. Instead of rolling a die during the week, you will receive a static quantity of 25 components for each gathering. Our roving logistics coordinators will be James, Alice, and Nick C. If we add any other roving logistics coordinators, they will be noted on the whiteboard in logistics! Cleanup We are testing a new way to make sure people can get their cleanup done in a timely and convenient way! At check in, you will be able to select one of three cleanup times: Friday noon (available WITL only), Saturday 6pm, or Sunday 2pm (lay off). None of these will have a maximum number of people, so choose what works best for you and your departure schedule. For Friday noon and Saturday 6pm, come to the kitchen and you will be assigned a cleanup task. If you would prefer to do cleanup on Sunday after lay off, you don't need to do anything other than at usual games, but we hope this option will help players who plan to leave early no longer need to try and find James or an Officer to get a clean up on Saturday night or Sunday morning before lay off. Community Manager Announcement: Community Food Drive Last call for our can and non perishable food drive! Proceeds go to a local charity in Sparta! You will receive 1.5x the normal donation rewards and you may place your items in bins in logistics. Exalted Team Reminder Please ensure that you are sober for all of your Exalted Lessons. Even lessons during the week portion may involve combat so this is required for safety. The Exalted Lesson schedule for those who are learning can be found here: Rules Team Reminder Just a friendly reminder from the rules marshals of the following stipulations of the exalted lists. Any player who receives a rules violation will be barred from continuing to learn their exalted classes for 3 months. Further infractions will result in the skills being removed. Due to the enormous scope of the rules, and the sheer amount of classes in the system, we know there may be some mechanical exploits. A player may find certain mechanics will work in a way that creates a possible infinite loop, or otherwise is exploitative of the rules. Our answer to this is very straightforward: Do not exploit it. We know there are exploits within the rules, but we are telling you to not explore them, or we will remove the classes and skills. If you exploit and continue to exploit any of these mechanics rules violations will be issued and exalted skills removed from player cards. Helpful Reminders New Jersey grocery stores don’t provide plastic bags anymore, if you’re coming from out of state! All our Week in the Life policies can be found here:

  • Exalted System Guide

    Hello everyone! Here is a link to the Exalted System Guide. It is intended to be a location where we are collecting the relevant links and information together regarding the exalted system. It will serve in part to answer some basic questions and details regarding the expectations of what I wish to see out of the exalted classes. The document may have more updates put into it later, such as the intended office hours for some of the team, and other things. We will be sure to let you know when the document is updated! ;) Exalted System Guide Link

  • Alignment Update

    Hello everyone! As I said earlier, I have been working on an update to the game's alignment system with several others and have finished. There are some details you will read that will become live at a later date, but they are included so that you have a full understanding of the system being put in place. Because of the shift, the exalted classes with alignments have also had adjustments made, and are reflected in the bottom of the document. Those adjustments will be added to the classes themselves shortly! Here is a link to the document: Alignment Update

  • Week in the life sleeping assignments

    Here is the Sleeping Assignment form! Because Week in the Life is two back-to-back events (weekday noncombat "day in the life" content and then weekend normal event) please make sure to indicate if you request sleeping space for one or both parts on the form! This form will remain open until the evening of Friday, June 2. Sleeping Assignments will go out on Monday, June 5.

  • Week In the life 2023 announcements

    Schedule: Week in the Life June event consists of two back to back events - the Weekday portion begins on Wednesday, and players may arrive any time after 12 noon. This event runs through to Friday afternoon at 12pm, when we will have a soft lay off. Some players may remain in game between the soft lay off and lay on for the weekend event, which happens at our typical time of 10pm. Soft Lay Off Friday: On Friday there will be a soft lay-off starting at 12pm until 10pm for players to bring their cars onsite and set up for the weekend. You may still roleplay and play as you like, but some folks will be out of game. Arrival: For the weekday portion, when you arrive, come to logistics to check in and complete your safety waiver as normal. James may be present to do check-in directly, but if he is not, his phone number will be publicly posted, and you should call him in order to complete your check in. Check in will run as normal for the Weekend event. If you have already checked in for the Week and paid for the weekend, you will not need to come back to check in again on Friday. Combat: During the week portion of the event (from Wednesday until Friday lay on at 10pm) there will be no roving combat nor combat mods. Combat will be allowed only in the context of specific “games” (Trollball, Tiger Ball, etc). Alcohol: Alcohol consumption will be allowed on camp for players over the age of 21, during the Weekday portion only. The goal of allowing alcohol consumption at this event is not to encourage heavy intoxication, and we encourage responsible consumption. We will not be limiting the amount of alcohol nor types of alcohol you can bring, but reserve the right to ask you to stop consuming if your behavior is indicative of heavy intoxication. Alcohol consumption should end well before the beginning of the full weekend event, no later than Friday at 2pm. Our zero tolerance policy for alcohol or recreational marijuana use or possession on camp will be in effect on Friday at 10pm, unless these substances are stored in your car for the remainder of the event. Marijuana: Marijuana for recreational use will be allowed on camp during the weekday event, but you must follow the same guidelines as we set forward for alcohol (no extreme intoxication), as well as our guidelines for smoking if applicable (please only smoke or vape in outside areas, away from building entrances and other people). Fire Safety: Continue to adhere to our fire safety guidelines, including making sure someone is always attending a fire until it is put out and the embers stop smoking. Logistics: Whenever you have need of logistics for gathering components, bank transfers, or anything else that needs to be handled immediately please seek out one of our roving logistics coordinators - this will definitely include James and Drew, and may include others - we’ll announce a finalized list closer to WITL. If we cannot handle it immediately in the field we will set a time to meet at logistics to resolve any issues. This will apply only during the weekday event; logistics window will function just as normal during the weekend event. NPC Shifts: Players will not be responsible for NPC shifts during the weekday portion, but will do shifts as normal during the weekend. Learning Skills: Skills, Abilities, and Points learned during the extended portion of the event are considered learned for the second portion of the event. This includes using skills learned as a prerequisite during the first part, which may be used to learn new skills during the second portion. Food Service: There is no formal food service during the Weekday portion. Please plan accordingly. Bar Crawl: We will not be hosting a game run bar crawl this year. Players are still invited to host their own events with food and alcohol (only provided to players of legal drinking age). We ask that any event that does provide alcohol make sure to provide non-alcoholic options as well. You expressly cannot charge anyone out of game money for alcohol, and we will look closely at setups which include “suggested donations” in exchange for alcohol, so as to remain fully within legal parameters. Build/Cards/Paying/Patreon: For purposes of payment and of your character card, Weekday and Weekend count as separate events. To attend both, you will pay for both events, each at the base cost of $50. (Attending both events will be $100.) Patreon subscriptions of Tier III or higher will cover one of the two events, but you will need to pay separately for the other. You will earn the build you pay for (base or higher) separately for each event. If you attend both portions of the event, you will only be issued one card for both events (for learning skills and other instances that alter your card, note when it occurred, Part 1 or Part 2). Other announcements from James, applicable to WITL and ALL events: Throwing Food Trash in the Garden: We sometimes find that people have thrown compostable leftover food in the flowerbeds. While we understand why some people might think that this is OK, we need to spell out that it is not. We have constant weddings and the gardens need to be presentable for weddings. One week is not enough time for food trash to decompose or disappear from critters. Recreational Substance Use: We would like to remind everyone that Knight Realms has a zero tolerance substance use policy at events whether it is legal or not. This past event we were informed that the upstairs of the Dragon’s Claw had smelled like marijuana. The only instances we permit the use of mind altering substances is if they are medically prescribed and noted in a player’s medical notes. Otherwise, alcohol or legal drug use is only permitted during the Weekday portion of the Week in the Life. Medical use of marijuana, if consumed by smoking, must follow our guidelines for tobacco smoke products (staying away from groups/buildings/etc.) Parking: The area by logistics is not the parking lot. Unless you have been given express written permission for your car to be there for specific reasons (this is limited to the event runners, on call safety lead, the officers, Steve, and James, along with anyone given specific permission by James), you must use the front or main parking lots. Secondly, do not park on the road beyond the fire hydrant. The lot in front only goes as far as the gravel. If this is full, you must park in the main lot. Blood on the Posting Board: We found a stain of some kind of fake blood on the posting board in the Inn. It could not be cleaned off properly and now we need a new board. Please only post up clean paper on this board. The main hall is used for weddings and we do not want these kinds of stains around the areas that they use.

  • JAmes Announcement - Alignment Shift

    Hello! For some time now, James has been mulling over how alignments are represented in Knight Realms. While the current dynamic works, it is not what currently matches what he wants for the game. He's been working with a team to reframe the nature of alignment and how it fits with the cosmology of the game to be something a little easier to understand, and fit more with what he envisions. With the release of exalted lists coming out, he felt this was the best time to make this dynamic shift, as many players will be working towards new directions because of those classes. While it may not currently be reflected in the exalted classes as they will be shown to you immediately, this change should be coming out some time next week. To give a brief synopsis, the forces of Good and Evil are a sliding scale that increase in potency the further along you get on the scale. One side of the scale ranges from Order all the way to Good, and the other side ranges from Chaos to Evil. This is, of course, a very oversimplified explanation and a more in depth look will be made available soon. But he wanted to make you aware of this coming change. 🙂

  • Exalted Class Release!

    Hello everyone! With the Exalted Classes release coming up for Week in the Life we need to start coordinating so that players can get to explore learning and playing with all the new classes we have to offer! Firstly, I would love to direct everyone who wants to learn an exalted class to fill out this form (Note only characters with all of their master classes learned, with at least one purchase of all 3 skills from each class are eligible): Exalted Class Form If you do not fill this form out, you will likely miss any chance of getting to experience anything at Week in the Life. If however you don’t, or you can’t attend Week in the Life, don’t worry as this won’t be your only chance. As James said in his post, not all classes are going to be ready. A list of classes that ready can be found in this link: Viewable Exalted Classes This folder will get continuously populated in the coming weeks as classes finalize, but please don’t ask the team when a specific class will be ready as there’s no reasonable answer we can give you other than “soon”. In all cases of being allowed to write into a class, or being scheduled to learn one, someone will be reaching out to you directly in the email you use in the poll. I know everyone probably has lot of questions, and I would ask that only the most urgent ones be directed to discord at: The Exalted Q&A Thread You will also find a list of a FAQ there on discord. Bear in mind the more time we spend answering questions, the less time we will have to finalize everything for the event, and I can assure you we are all working almost around the clock every day.

  • Week in the Life Dates

    On the calendar, Week in the Life is listed as beginning on Tuesday June 6th on both the KR Calendar and the Camp Calendar. This is an error. WitL will be starting on Wednesday June 7th. We apologize for the mix up!

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